Friday, February 29, 2008

working with artifacts

In Grade 2, students study the Canadian North. We've been exploring artifacts from the Glenbow Museo Kit, "Inuit: A Living People". We discussed materials, construction and function as an introduction to the objects. Artifact handling was discussesd and each of us had an opportunity to have the object in our hands, look at it up close and imagine its purpose, feel its weight and design... Imagine the person that used it last...

Later, we drew the objects.

Kindergarten collage

Stories were arranged from pre cut shapes of fabric from home. Parents were asked to cut out a variety of natural and geometric shapes. Students could alter them using sissors.

Teachers extended the exploration through torn paper collage - no scissors. Next time we created artist trading cards in the same way...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

drawing on experience: workshop reflections

What were some insights acquired?

What would you have liked to spend more time on?

What applications do you see to you current practice?

Topics for future professional development...

Other comments...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

drawing on experience

I'm in the Cowichan Valley preparing for a full day ProD workshop with teachers from SD79. We will focus on drawing as research and spend some time exploring the Garry Oaks ecosystem that is walking distance from Alex Aitken School.

Monday, February 4, 2008